Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – Viryachandra’s daughter Veera, of beautiful eye-brows and observant of vows, married in Sayamvara the great king Karandhama. (1) On her the powerful king begat a son by name Avikshita who gained renown on the surface of the earth. (2) On his birth the king consulted the astrologers, “Is my son born in good time and under auspicious stars? (3) Have the auspicious stars cast their looks on the birth of my sons? Have not the evil stars looked on him”? (4) Having been thus accosted by the king the astrologers said to him: – “This your highly powerful, energetic and great son is born in good conjunction and under auspicious stars. O king, your son will be emperor. (5-6) Residing in the seventh house Guru

and Sukra have cast their looks on him. Soma, living in the fourth, house, has cast his look on him. (7) Residing at a corner Soma’s son too has cast his look on him. But the Sun, Bhowma and Shani have not cast their looks on him. (8) O great king, your son will be fortunate and will be endowed with all auspiciousness and prosperity.” (9) Having heard the words of the astrologers and having his mind filled with delight, the king, in his own house, said to them: -(10) “Amongst the gods, Vrihaspati, Sukra, Soma and his son have cast their looks on him and the Sun, Mangala and Sani have not cast their looks on the boy. (11) Since you have repeatedly used the word Avekshata (seen) my son will be celebrated on earth by the name of Avikshita”. (12)

Markandeya said: – His son Avikshita was well read in the Vedas and their divisions. He received the knowledge of weapons from Kanwa’s son. (13) That prince excelled in beauty the two Açwinis, in intellect Vrihaspati, in grace the moon, in effulgence the sun, in gravity the ocean and in patience the earth. In heroism there was none equal to that high-souled one. (14-15) Him did accept in Swyamvara, Himadharma’s daughter Vara, Sudiva’s daughter Gouri, Vali’s daughter Lilavati, Veerabhadra’s daughter Anibha, Bhima’s daughter Manyavati and Dambha’s daughter Kumudvati. (16-17) They all welcomed him in Swayamvara. Having vanquished all the princes as well as the members of their paternal family and resorting to his own strength, that powerful and heroic prince too, elated with his own strength, took them all by force. (18-19) Once on a time, Vaishalini, of fine teeth, the daughter of Vishala, the king of Videsha, held her Swayamvara. He was not selected by her. Therefore that (prince), proud of the strength, having vanquished all the kings, O saint, carried her away by force. (20-21) Thereupon having been insulted and defeated by that proud prince all those numberless kings spoke to each other: (22) “Do ye allow this damsel to he carried away by one against so many powerful kings of one caste. Oh! fie on ye, O kings. (23) He alone is a Kshatriya who saves one when assailed by powerful man. Others take this name for nothing. (24) How is your consideration, that you born in a Kshatriya race, do not save yourselves from this wicked one. (25) O false is the eulogy that is chanted by the poets, panegyrits and prisoners. Make it good, O heroes, by destroying your enemy. (26) You are all born in eminent families. Resorting to your manliness do not make an idle sound of the word, king, in all the quarters.

(27) Who does not fear death? Who becomes immortal without fighting? Thinking of this, manliness should not be destroyed by those who trade in arms”. (28) Hearing this and filled with revenge the kings spoke to each other and took up their weapons. (29) Some got upon the chariots, some rode the elephants, some horses and others, the infantry, filled with revenge, followed them. (30)