Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – I have thus related to you in full the Manwantara of Manu Savarni, the glories of the goddess and the destruction of the buffalloe-faced demon; (1) the origin of the goddess and other mothers in the great encounter as well as the origin of the goddess Chamunda. (2) Besides I have described to you the glories of Shivadyuti, the destruction of Sumbha and Nishumbha and as well as that of Rakta-Vija. (3) Hear, O foremost of Munis, of another Savarni. This Savarni is the son of Daksha and is the future ninth Manu. (4) O Muni, I shall describe now who will be the gods, sages, and kings. Para, Marichibharga and Sudharma – these will be the three classes of deities. (5) These three classes will again severally be divided into twelve each. Their future king will be highly powerful and thousand-eyed. (6) The six-faced deity, who is now living as Kartikeya, the son of the fire, will be the king, by name Advuta, of the Manwantara of this Manu. (7) Medhathiti, Vasu, Satya, Yotishman, Dyutiman, Savala, Havyavahana – these will be the seven Rishis. (8) Dhrishtaketu, Varhaketu, Panchahasta, Niramaya, Prithushrava, Arthishman, Bhidyurimna,

Vrihadvaya – will be the sons of that Daksha’s son and kings. Listen, O twice-born one, I shall now describe the Manwantara of the tenth Manu. (9-10) During this tenth Manwantara of the intelligent son of Brahma Sukhasenas and Nirudhas will be the gods. (11) During (the regime) of this future Manu the gods will be a hundred in number – as the gods will be a hundred in number so will be the creatures. (12) Santi will be the king of all these gods and endowed with all the accomplishments of Indra. Hear now from me, who will be the seven Rishis at that period. (13) Apomurti, Havishman, Sukrita, Satya, Nabhaga, Apratishtha and Vashishtha will be the seven Rishis. (14) And Sukshetra, Uttamonja, Bhurisena, Viryavana, Shatanika, Vrishabha, Anamitra, Jayadratha, Bhuridyumna, and Suparva -these will be born as the sons of that Manu. Hear now of the Manwantara of Savarni, the son of Dharma. (15-16) (At that period) there will spring into existence three classes of gods each severally divided into thirty. (17) Amongst them, months, seasons and days will be the lords of creations and birds, nights and moments will be able to move on at their will. (18) Their lord will be known by the name of Vrisha of well-known prowess. Havishman, Varishtha, Rishthi, Aruni, Nishchara, Vrishthi and Agni will be the seven Rishis at that Manwantara. (19-20) Sarvaga, Susharman, Devanika, Purudvaha, Hemadhanva, Drirayu will be his sons and kings. (21) Hear, who will be the gods and Munis during the Manwantara of the Manu, by name Savarni, the son of Rudra.

(22) Sudharmanas, Sumanas, Haritas, Rohitas and Suvarnas will be the five classes of deities each severally divided into ten. (23) Know of the highly powerful Ritadhama as their lord endued with all the qualities of Indra, hear, now, from me of the seven Rishis. (24) Dyuti, Tapashvi, Sutapas, Tapomurti, Taponidhi, Taporati, and Tapodhriti will be the seven Rishis.

(25) Devavan, Upadeva, Devashrestha, Viduratha, Mitravan, and Mitsravinda – will be the sons of that Manu and kings. (26) Hear, I shall now relate to you the sons of the thirteenth Manu Rochya, the seven Rishis, kings and gods. (27) O foremost of Munis, Sudharmas, Sukarmas, and Susharmas will be the gods of that period. (28) Their king will be Divashpati of great Strength and prowess. Hear, I shall now describe the seven Rishis that will be. (29) Dhritman, Avya, Tatwadarshi, Niratsuka, Nirmoha, Sutapas and Nishprakampa will be the seven Rishis. (30) Chitaasena, Vichitra, Nayati, Nirbhaya, Drida, Sunetra, Kshatravuddhi, and Suvrata will be the sons of that Manu. (31)