Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – Listen to me who am relating (to you) the gods, the lord of the gods, the Rishis, and the kings in this Manwantara, the third one, of the Auttama (Manu). (1) The gods were Swadhamas, they whose works imitated their names; (i.e., whose conduct bore testimony to the truth of their names) and a second class named Satyas were similarly of the species of the celestials; and also a third class, similarly of the species of the gods, were O most superior Muni, called Shivas; they were of the nature of Shiva himself, and were reputed to have been the destroyers of sin. (2-3) And a fourth class of the species of the gods, O thou superior Muni, named Pratardaas, are also spoken of in connection with the Manwantara of the Manu Auttama. (4) A fifth class there was also in that (Manwantara), O thou twice-born one, of the species of the gods, (called) the Bashabartinas; and all these, O great Muni! were of the nature indicated by their names. (5) These are known to have been the five classes of gods, all eaters of sacrifices, in this Manwantara, O thou most superior among men; all these were the twelve species of gods. (6) Their lord, the possessor of the eight good qualities of kindness and known by the name of Sushanti, having gathered togethered the hundred sacrifices, became the lord in the three worlds. (7) Hymns adorned with the letters of their name are sung by men in this earth, even to this day, for the cure of diseases. (8) The lovely lord of the gods was Sushanti, with the gods Shivas, Satyas and others and similarly Bashabartins. (9) Of that Manu there were sons, strong and powerful and famous like the gods, – namely, Aja, Parashuchi, and Divya. (10) As long as the Manwantara of that most energetic Manu lasted his offsprings, being lords of men, governed the whole world. (11) The seven sons of that great souled one, who was the most superior person among men by their own energy born of penance, became, in that Manwantara the seven principal Rishis. (12) This is the third Manwantara, now related to you by me; the Tamasa is said to be the fourth Manwantara. (13) O Brahman, hear from we who will relate to you (presently) the birth of that Manu, by whose fame, though he was born of a low caste mother, the whole world was illumined. (14) The character of the others as well as of his, and likewise

his birth, and the influence of these high-souled ones should be known as beyond the comprehension of the senses. (15)