Chapter 71 to 137

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Markandeya said: – He having thus chanted his glories, O Muni, the divine Havyavahana, enveloped with his rays, appeared before him. (1) O twice-born one, the lord Vibhavasu was delighted with the above hymn and said to Santi, who was bowing, in words deep as the muttering of clouds. (2) “O Vipra, I have been delighted with the hymn that thou hast reverentially sang; I shall therefore confer upon thee a boon; pray for what thou likest.” (5)

Santi said: – O lord, blessed am I, since, I have beheld thee in thy form. Still hear what I communicate unto thee bending low with humility. (4) O god, my preceptor, leaving his own hermitage, has gone to be present at his brother’s sacrifice. May he, on his return to the hermitage, behold thee stationed as before. (5) O Vibhavasu, may that twice-born one behold thee as before, stationed here which thou didst leave before for my folly. (6) If thou dost show me another favour, O lord, then let there be an excellent son born unto my preceptor who has no issue. (7) And may my preceptor grow equally mild towards all other creatures as he will be towards his own son. (8) O eternal, as thou hast been pleased with me, O thou conferrer of boons, for my chanting thy glories, may he likewise be propitiated with me. (9)

Markandeya said: – Hearing his words and being again adored with hymns on account of the devotion unto preceptor Pavaka (Fire) said to that foremost of the twice-born. (10)

Agni said: – O Brahmana, thou hast prayed for two boons for thy preceptor and not for thy own self. For this I have been greatly delighted with thee, O great Muni. (11) Therefore what thou hast prayed for thy preceptor shall all be fulfilled. He will be friendly towards all creatures and will have a son. (12) He will be the lord of a Manwantara and be known by the name of Bhoutya; and your preceptor too will be highly powerful, highly energetic and wise.

(13) Whoever, that, being self-controlled, shall chant my glories with his hymn, shall have all his desires fulfilled and piety. (14) This most excellent hymn, conducing to my nourishment, when chanted at the sacrifices at Parvas, at sacred places and Homas, will lead to the acquisition of virtue. (15) One, by listening to this most excellent hymn which is so delightful to me, will have for sooth his sins committed day and night, dissipated. (16) The defects, that originate from the performance of a Homa at an improper season and by an improper person, are immediately removed by merely listening to this. (17) This, when listened to properly, either at Purnima, Amavasya or any other Parva, leads to the destruction of all sins.


Markandeya said: – Having said this the divine Agni, O Muni, disappeared immediately in his own presence, like unto a light put out by the wind. (19) After Vahni had departed Shanti, with a delighted heart and his hairs standing erect in joy, entered the hermitage of his preceptor.

(20) He saw there fire ablaze as before at the very place where it had been kept by his preceptor. Thereat he attained to an excess of delight. (21) In the interval the preceptor returned to his own hermitage from the sacrifice of his high-souled elder brother. (22) His disciple at first touched his feet. Then after accepting seat and adoration the preceptor said to him. (23) “O child, I find in me a growing love towards thee as well as other creatures; I do not understand what is this. Tell me speedily if you know anything of it.” (24) Thereupon, O great Muni, that Brahmana Santi related truly everything unto his preceptor beginning with the destruction of the fire. (25) Hearing this, O great Muni, and embracing him, the preceptor, having his eyes bathed with tears of love, delivered unto his disciple all the Vedas with their divisions and sub-divisions. (26) Then there was born to Bhuti a son by name Bhoutya who became a Manu. Hear from me of the gods, Rishis and kings of his Manwantara. (27) I shall describe at length who will be all such in the Manwantara of this would-be Manu, as well as who will be king of gods of illustrious actions. (28) Chakshusha, Kanishtha, Pavitra, Bhrajira and Dharavika – these will be the five classes of gods. (29) Suchi will be the lord of all these gods – highly powerful, highly energetic and endowed with all the accomplishments of a king of gods. (30) Agnidhra Agnivahu, Shuchi, Mukta, Madhava, Shatru and Ajita – these will be the seven Rishis. (31) Guru, Gabhira, Vradhna, Bharata, Anugraha, Strikhani, Pratira, Vishnu, Sankrandana, Tejaswi and Suvala will be the sons of Manu Bhoutya. I have thus described to you the fourteenth Manwantara. (32-33) O foremost of Munis, hearing of these Manwantaras in order a man acquires virtue and endless offspring. (34) Hearing of the first Manwantara a man acquires virtue and hearing of that of Swarochisha he acquires the fulfilment of all his desires. (35) In Auttoma one acquires wealth, in Tamasa knowledge, in Raivata the faculty of understanding Srutis and a beautiful wife. (36) In Chakshusha people acquire freedom from diseases and in Vaivaswata strength, and in Surya Savarniki accomplished sons and grand sons. (37) In Brahma Savarni one acquires glory and in Dharma Savarni auspiciousness. In Rudra Savarniki a man acquires intellect and victory. (38) In Daksha Savarniki one becomes the foremost amongst his kinsmen and is endowed with accomplishments. O foremost of men, hearing of Rouchya, one has all his enemies destroyed. (39) Hearing of Bhoutya Manwantara one acquires the grace of gods, Agnihotra and accomplished sons. (40) O foremost of Munis, hear what an excellent fruit does a man reap when in order he hears of all the Manwantaras. (41) O Vipra, hearing of the gods, Rishis, Indras, Manus and their sons of the respective periods one is released from all the sins. (42) Indras, gods, Rishis, kings and Manus of the various periods become greatly delighted and bestow excellent inclination. (43) Thereupon acquiring good inclination and performing good actions one attains to a better station as long as the fourteen Indras exist. (44) If one hears in order of all the Manwantaras

all the seasons do him good and all the planets, without doubt, become propitious towards him. (45)