Varahamihira’s has dealt with the Nabhasa Yoga’s, which are 32 in all, in his immortal classic, Brihata Jataka. The peculiarity of these Nabhasa Yoga’s is that more than contributing much to the basic, inherent strength of a Horoscope, these Yoga’s give us an indication to the traits and characteristics in the chart, and often lead us to the clues regarding the means of livelihood. Further, unlike the other Yoga’s, the effects of Nabhasa Yoga’s are felt and experienced throughout the life of the native and not merely during the Mahadasha and Antaradasha of the Yoga causing planets.
Basically, the 32 Nabhasa Yoga’s are broadly divided in four major groups. Before taking each yoga for a detailed analysis, we shall familiarize ourselves with these four groups and the names of these 32 Nabhasa Yoga’s.
Ashraya (3) 1, Rajju, 2, Musala 3, Nala.
Dala (2) 4, Mala, 5, Sarpa.
Akruti (20) 6, Gada, 7, Shakata, 8, Vihanga, 9, Shringataka, 10, Hala, 11,Vajra, 12, yava, 13, Kamal, 14,Vapi, 15,Yupa, 16, Ishu, 17, Shakti, 18, Danda, 19, Nao 20, Kuta, 21, Chatra, 22, Chaap, 23, Ardha Chandra, 24, Chakra, 25,Samudra.
Sankhya (7)26, Veena, 27, Damini, 28, Paash, 29, Kedar, 30, Shula, 31, Yuga, 32, Gol Kamal.
NOTE: The actual order of the names of the 20 Akruti Yoga have been purposely shuffled here, as compared to the order of their names in the original sloka, so as to group them in an order which is simple and leads from one to the other.
We shall now discuss each of these yogas in some detail.
If all the planets occupy movable Signs only, Rajju Yoga is caused.
A native having this Yoga often suffers from inferiority complex, is jealous at the prosperity of others, are fond of travels, lead a nomadic life (the importance of movable Signs) and often go in search of a livelihood in foreign lands, are cruel and envious.
If all the planets exclusively occupy Fixed Signs only, in a chart, the Yoga goes in the name of Musala.
A Jataka (Native) having this yoga is often proud, snobbish, wealthy, engaged in many activities, have a steady mind and self-respect. They are found to be rather rigid and inflexible in their approach to life.
If al1 the planets in a Horoscope occupy common Sign only, Nala Yoga is formed.
Such natives are of settled views, wealthy, witty, have some bodily deformity and are shrewd. The qualities of the common Signs, i.e. capacity to have a dual approach to life, twisting words and meanings, are often highlighted in such people.
If all the benefics occupy the Kendra’s, Mala Yoga is formed.
Parasara considers only Mercury, Venus and Jupiter as benefics. But Yavanacharya also includes Full Moon (Poornakala) as a benefic too. But the essential pre-requisite is that only benefics must occupy Kendra’s and no malefics should be placed therein.
The native is extremely passionate and sexy (bhogi) and lives in comforts and luxury, possesses or enjoys vehicles and will have much enjoyment in life.
If all the malefics only and exclusively occupy the Kendra’s, Sarpa Yoga is caused.
The native is extremely unhappy, quite dissatisfied in life, is cruel, stupid and suffers a trail of miseries and misfortunes.
If all the planets occupy two adjacent Kendra’s, then Gada Yoga is formed. This Yoga can take place in four ways, i.e., all the planets may either occupy 1, 4; or 4, 7; or 7, 10; or 10, 1 houses.
A native having this Yoga is highly religious, performs Yagna’s, and is wealthy.
It will be observed that in the formation of Gada Yoga, all the planets in the two adjacent Kendra’s will be in mutual squares. Obviously, the effects of these squares will be markedly different, depending on whether the squares are from cardinal Signs, fixed Signs or common Signs.
If all planets occupy, the lagna and the seventh house, Shakata Yoga is formed.
The native earns his livelihood by driving vehicles, or by manual labor, is sickly and has a quarrelsome wife.
It will be appreciated that in this yoga, the planets in lagna and the seventh will be in mutual opposition to each other. The Ascendant signifies the body, while the seventh relates to the spouse. Hence, the afflictions of being sickly and a quarrelsome spouse. In certain cases, especially if Mars and Venus are in close conjunction, the ruin of the body can also take place as a result of excessive and unbridled sexual excesses. This Shakata Yoga should not be mixed up with the Shakata Yoga fanned with reference to the Moon.
If all planets occupy the fourth and the tenth in a chart, Vihanga Yoga is formed.
Such a native as a messenger, postman, (in today’s context as couriers, travel agents, etc.) and are fond of travels, they are also quarrelsome.
Here the mutual opposition of planets in 4/10 axis also suggests frequent quarrels between the parents of the native as also the apparent carelessness and disrespect on the part of the native towards either or both the parents.
If all the planets are placed in Lagna and its trines (i.e. in 1,5,9 bhavas), the yoga caused goes by the name of Shringataka.
The native having this Yoga normally prospers and becomes wealthy in the latter part of his life.
In the Dhana yoga’s, we have discussed the Vridha Avastha Dhana Yoga. Obviously, the presence of Shringataka Yoga along with the former Yoga will doubly confirm this result. The concentration or distribution of the planets in 1,5,9 houses stresses the emphasis on the physical body, the progeny and general luck or fortune, respectively. Obviously, if these three are fortified, the native will have a strong body, good and dutiful children and success in life.
As in the previous yoga, all the planets are in mutual trines, but not with reference to the Lagna. This yoga can take place in anyone of the following three ways, viz.
All planets in 2,6,10 bhavas. All planets in 3,7,11 bhavas. All planets in 4,8,12 bhavas
As the name itself suggests. Hala means plough and consistent with this meaning, the native earns his living as a farmer, agriculturist, gardener and gains through these activities. They can even be estate agents, zamindars or landlords.
The, 2,6,10 triangle implies finances. The 3,7,11 triangles indicate relationships. The 4,8,12 triangles is the terminal triangle. Obviously, this should be taken into account while delineating the chart.
If all the benefics occupy the Lagna and the seventh and if all malefics occupy the fourth and tenth houses, Vajra Yoga is caused.
The native is good looking, happy and courageous. He prospers in his youth and old age.
Here, the Lagna and the seventh are occupied by malefics, while the fourth and tenth houses are tenanted by benefics.
The native is adventurous and happy in his middle life. Needless to say, the health and body (Lagna) as well as the spouse will suffer as a result of the presence of malefics in the 1/7 axis.
If all the planets (benefics and malefics) are spread over all the four Kendra’s, the Yoga formed goes in the name of Kamal Yoga.
The native becomes famous, commands high prestige and is virtuous.
The Kendra’s are the four pillars of a Horoscope and when they are rendered powerful by the occupation of all the planets, the chart itself is rendered rather powerful. It should be borne, in mind that though there is prestige and fame conferred by this yoga, it does not ipso facto result in great earning capacity.
When all the planets are placed in mutual Kendra’s from one another, but not with reference to the Lagna, then Vapi Yoga is formed. Thus, this yoga takes place in two ways:
(a) All the planets are placed in Succecdent houses (i.e. 2,5,8 and 11) or
(b) All the planets are placed in cadent houses (i.e. 3,6,9 and 12).
The native is fond of walking or traveling, is greedy, with limited happiness, is a miser and. is a hoarder of money.
Obviously, the evil results of this Yoga will be more accentuated if the Yoga takes place with reference to the cadent houses than if it is with reference to the Succecdent houses.
If all the planets are placed in four adjacent bhavas commencing with the Ascendant (i.e. in 1,2,3, 4 houses), Yupa Yoga is formed.
The native is extremely patient, generous, and liberal and performs great Yagna’s.
When all the planets occupy four consecutive houses commencing from Nadir (i.e. 4,5,6,7 houses), Ishu Yoga is caused.
The native is cruel, kills animals (butcher), manufactures weapons or is a successful jailer.
If all the planets occupy four consecutive bhavas commencing from the descendent (i.e. 7,8,9,10 bhavas), the Yoga formed goes in the name of Shakti.
The native engages himself in mean and undesirable activities, is lazy, devoid of happiness and riches, is slothful and is disliked by people.
If all the planets occupy four consecutive houses commencing from the Medium Coeli, (i.e. 10, 11,12,1 houses) Danda Yoga is formed.
The native is submissive, weak, unassertive, works for others and lacks the happiness due from spouse and children.
If all the seven planets occupy one bhava each commencing with the Lagna, Nao Yoga is caused (i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 houses, without a single house being vacant).
Such a native is famous, greedy, and experiences the ups and downs of life continuously.
If all the seven planets occupy one bhava each commencing from the fourth house (i.e. 4.5,6,7,8,9 and 10 houses, without a single bhava being vacant), Kuta Yoga is caused.
Such a native becomes a compulsive liar, engages himself in falsehood and succeeds as a jailer.
If all the seven planets occupy one bhava each commencing from the seventh house (i.e. 7,8,9,10,11,12 and Lagna, without a single one being vacant) then Chatra Yoga is formed.
The native is always happy and contented, enjoys the happiness from spouse and children and is also happy during his old age.
If all the seven planets occupy one house each commencing from meridian (i.e. 10,11,12, Lagna, 2,3 and 4, without a single one being vacant), the yoga formed is known as Chaap Yoga.
The native isadventurous and is happy during his youth and old age.
If all the seven planets occupy seven consecutive houses commencing from any Succecdent or cadent houses (i.e. not starting with any Kendra’s) then Ardha Chandra yoga is formed.
Thus this yoga can be formed in 8 ways:
One planet each is placed from 2nd to 8th.
One planet each being placed from 3rd to 9th.
One planet each is placed from 5th to 11th.
One planet each is placed from 6th to 12th.
One planet each is placed from 8th to 2nd.
One planet each is placed from 9th to 3rd.
One planet each is placed from 11th to 5th.
One planet each is placed from 12th· to 6th.
The native is good looking, handsome, is loved by all, and is happy throughout his life.
If all the seven planets are placed in odd houses (one each), then Chakra Yoga is formed. (I.e. one planet each occupies the 1,3,5,7,9 and 11 houses).
The native is held in the highest esteem and even kings go to him to pay their respects and obeisance to a native with this yoga.
Even though, Mercury cannot be at a distance of more than 28 degrees from the Sun, the seven planets must occupy the six bhavas referred to here.
If all the seven planets occupy all the even houses (i.e. 2,4,6,8,10 and 12), then Samudra Yoga is caused.
The native will be a king or live like one and is devoid of fear, care or worry.
The same comments given for Sun and Mercury in the previous yoga apply here too.
NOTE: Both these yoga’s, i.e. Chakra and Samudra Yoga’s, are rare and do not take place often. The student will observe that these two yoga’s are nothing but the Grand Sextile referred to in the Western Astrology. The subtle difference between Chakra and Samudra Yoga is that in the former the native commands reverence and respect, while in the latter he commands authority and power.
Sankhya means number and these Sakhya Yoga’s represent the numerical combinations of planets in a chart.
If all the seven planets occupy any seven bhavas in a chart, Veena Yoga is caused.
This Yoga is also known as Vallaki Yoga.
The native is fond of music, all forms of fine arts, is clever and has a large circle of friends.
If all the seven planets occupy any six bhavas in a chart, Damini Yoga is formed.
The native will be generous highly charitable, always helpful to others and protects the cattle. In modern days this yoga could also be applied to vets.
If all the seven planets occupy any five bhavas in a chart, Paash Yoga is formed.
The native amasses wealth, though the means may not be always fair. He has many friends, relatives and servants.
If all the seven planets occupy any four houses in a horoscope, Kedar Yoga is formed.
The native earns his livelihood as an agriculturist and is always willing to help others.
If all the seven planets occupy any three sthanas in a chart, Shula Yoga is formed.
The native is adventurous, cruel, possess scars or wounds on the body, is fond of money but seldom enjoys it.
If all the seven planets occupy any two bhavas in a chart, the Yoga formed goes in the name of Yuga.
The native is devoid of wealth, poor, dirty, ignorant, sinful, and is far away from the ideals of religion.
If all the seven planets occupy anyone bhava only in a horoscope, Gol Yoga is formed.
The native is malicious, stupid, engages in undesirable and anti-social activities, and is a scourge to the society, indolent and nomadic.
(a) As has been said at the beginning, the Nabhas Yoga’s indicate more the traits, characteristics and the means of livelihood of the native, rather than add or denote strength to the chart.
(b) While all the other Yoga’s give their results during the Maha Dasha and Antara Dasha of the Yoga causing planets the effects of Nabhas Yoga’s are felt throughout the life of the native.
(c) In Nabhas Yoga’s, only the seven major planets are considered and Rahu and Ketu are specifically excluded in the consideration of these yoga’s.
(d) The student with a sharp intellect would have observed that in many cases the four major groups of Nabhas Yoga’s, in fact overlap each other. Thus, some Ashraya yoga’s are identical with some other Akruti or Sankhya Yoga. Akruti Yoga’s are in some cases identical with Ashraya and Sankhya Yoga’s, while Sankhya Yoga’s can be anyone of the other three groups. Thus, to avoid confusion, the following standard norms may be adhered to:
(I) When Ashraya Yoga combine with Sankhya Yoga’s, only the former will prevail.
(ii) When Dala Yoga coincide with Sankhya Yoga’s, only the former will prevail.
(iii) When Akruti Yoga’s coincide with Sankhya Yoga’s, only the former will prevail.
(iv) When Akruti Yoga’s coincide with Ashraya Yoga’s, only the former prevail.
(e) The dividing line between some of the Yoga’s is indeed very marginal and the student will be called upon to concentrate on his analytical power and sense of perception to extreme fine-tuning.
With this we conclude our chapter on YOGAS. We have hardly touched upon a hundred odd yoga’s. There are several more such yoga’s and the student may refer to the standard texts for a more detailed and exhaustive study. We repeat: Once, the Yoga has been identified, the strength of the planets should be ascertained and the bhavas of which these yoga causing planets are lords as well as their placement in individual bhavas and the quality of aspects received by them will be the real keys in the assessment of the yoga.