We now proceed to take a formal introduction with the planets (GRAHA) in our Solar System. If we take Sun as the Center of the Solar System the planets rotating around. In their respective orbits arc in the following order SUN, MERCURY, VENUS, EARTH (with it satellite MOON), MARS, JUPITER, SATURN, HERSHEL (URANUS). NEPTUNE AND PLUTO (Rahu and Ketu are mathematically derived points and are called Chhaya Graha).
We shall give the natural characteristics of the planets now.
The Sun and the Moon only are considered as luminous planets. The other planets are non-luminaries.
Mercury and Venus, having their orbits between the Sun and the Earth are known as “Inferior” planets where as the outer planets (i.e. beyond the orbit of the Earth) are called as Superior planets. In Indian (Niryana) astrology, Hershel, Neptune and Pluto are not considered at all. However, they are referred to in the ancient texts as Prajapati, Varuna and Yarn a respectively. They are also referred to as the extra Saturnian’s planets.
Each planet has its own rate of motion or velocity depending upon its nearness to or distance from the earth. For instance, the Moon is our nearest planet and consequently she has a very swift motion. She travels round the zodiac once in 28/29 lunar days, whereas, Saturn, who is the most distant from us, has the slowest motion and accordingly performs one Zodiac circle in around thirty years. The planets do not maintain a uniform rate of movement for various causes. The following are the approximate periods taken by each planet to make a circuit round the zodiac.
The Sun moves at the rate of roughly one degree a day or takes 364/ 365 days to complete one Zodiac circle. Sun remains one month in one sign.
The Moon takes 27 days 7 hours to complete one Zodiac circle. Moon remains 2 ¼ days in one sign.
Mars takes 18 months to complete one Zodiac circle. Mars remains 1. 1/2 month in one sign.
Mercury requires a similar period as the Sun but his closeness to the Sun makes Mercury rather unsteady with the result that he often takes 27 days to pass through one sign.
Jupiter requires roughly twelve years days to complete one Zodiac circle. Jupiter remains one Year in one sign.
Venus has more or less the same velocity as the Sun.
Saturn remains for thirty months in a sign. It takes 30 years to complete one Zodiac circle.
Rahu and Ketu remain for 18 months each in a sign or 18 years to complete one Zodiac circle.
Sun and moon only have direct motion, while Rahu and Ketu have only retrograde (backward)motion; all other planets have direct as well as retrograde movement.
When the distance of anyone planet from the Sun exceeds a particular limit, it becomes retrograde, i.e., when the planet goes from perihelion (the part of a planet’s orbit nearest to the Sun) to aphelion (the part of a planet’s orbit most distant from the Sun) as it recedes from the Sun, it gradually loses the power of the Sun’s gravitation and consequently, to gain it, it retrogrades; and when the planet comes from aphelion to perihelion, nearer and nearer to the Sun the gravitation of the Sun grows more and more powerful, so that the velocity of the planet is accelerated. All the planets are subject to retrogression and acceleration excepting the Sun and the Moon, let alone the Rahu & Ketu. Hence we find that there is no uniformity in the velocities of planets, that they vary at different parts of the orbits and that the planetary orbits are elliptical. The importance of retrograde planets, so far as it is necessary for astrological purposes, will be dealt with in its proper place.
Sun. Mars and Jupiter are considered as masculine planets, whereas Moon, Venus and Rahu are considered as feminine planets. The rest, viz. Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are taken as hermaphrodites.
The divisions of the planets caste-wise are:
Brahmins: Jupiter and Venus.
Kshtriyas: Sun and Mars.
Vaisyas: Moon.
Sudras: Saturn.
Mixed: Mercury.
Chandala (Outcasts): Rahu and Ketu.
No planet is fully benefic or fully malefic by nature. However, certain “naisargika” (natural) attributes are given to planets as under:
Benefics: Jupiter, Venus and waxing Moon are considered as “Shubha”.
Malefics: Mars, Saturn, waning Moon, Rahu and Ketu are considered as ” Ashubha”.
Cruel: Sun is a “Krura” graha.
Neutral: Mercury, if associated with the benefices is considered as Shubha and when associated with malefic is taken as Ashubha.
In the Sayana System, Hershel, Neptune and Pluto are generally considered as ma1efics.
The planets are also divided in three groups. Thus:
Satwa: (Pure & Good) Sun, Moon and Jupiter.
Rajas: (active, emotional and passionate) Mercury and Venus.
Tamas: (dark and ignorant) Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
The planets also denote certain directions. Thus,
Sun |
East |
Mars |
South |
Saturn |
West |
Mercury |
North |
Moon |
North-west |
Jupiter |
North-east |
Venus |
South-east |
Rahu and Ketu |
South-west |
The colors associated with planets are:
Sun |
Red |
Moon |
White |
Mars |
Blood Red |
Mercury |
Green |
Jupiter |
Golden |
Venus |
White |
Saturn |
Blue or black |
Rahu |
Honey |
Ketu |
Brown |
NOTE: The directions and colors referred to above are generalized. The opinions of different authors and different branches in astrology vary in these matters.
The planets are divided in three main groups. Thus:
Pitta (bile): Sun, Mars, and Ketu
Vayu (Wind): Moon, Saturn, and Rahu
Kapha (Phlegm): Venus, Jupiter
Mixed: Mercury
Just like the Signs, the planets also rule over particular parts of the body. Thus:
Sun: Heart, brain, head, eyes, bones, bile.
Moon: Breasts, saliva, uterus, water, blood, lymphatic and glandular systems.
Mars: Ears, nose, forehead, Sinews, fiber, bile and muscular tissues.
Mercury: Abdomen, tongue, lungs, bowels, nerves, bile, muscular tissues.
Jupiter: Blood, thighs, kidneys, flesh, fat, arterial system and phlegm.
Venus: Ovaries, semen, eyes, generative system, water, phlegm.
Saturn: Feet, acids, knees, marrow, wind.
The students must realize that this is merely an illustrative list and not an exhaustive one. In the complex subject of Medical Astrology, each nerve and tissue is dissected to a specific sign and planet.
There are in all, 6 Ritus. The significations are:
Vasant (Spring): Venus
Grishma (Summer): Sun and Mars
Varsha (Monsoon): Moon
Sharad (Autumn): Mercury
Hemanta (beginning of winter): Jupiter
Sisir (Winter): Saturn
Planets |
Deities |
Gems |
Metals |
Tastes |
Sun |
Shiva |
Ruby (Manek) |
Copper |
Pungent |
Moon |
Parvati |
Pearl (Moti) |
Bell Metal |
Saltiest |
Mars |
Ganesh |
Coral (Parval) |
Copper |
Bitter |
Mercury |
Vishnu |
Emerald (Panna) |
Lead |
Mixed |
Jupiter |
Brahma |
Topaz (Pukhraj) |
Gold |
Sweet |
Venus |
Lakshmi |
Diamond (Heera) |
Silver |
Sour |
Saturn |
Rudra |
Sapphire (Neelam) |
Iron/Steel |
Astringent |
Rahu |
Durga (Kartikya) |
Zircon (Gomedh) |
Lead |
Ketu |
Brahman |
Cat’s eye (Vaidurya) |
We give below some other significations (Karakatwas) of planets:
Plant |
Physical Constituents |
Elements |
Senses |
Age |
Cabinet |
Bones |
Fire |
Sight |
50 |
Royal |
Blood |
Water |
Taste |
70 |
Royal |
Bone marrow |
Fire |
Sight |
16 |
Commander in chief |
Skin |
Earth |
Smell |
20 |
Crown |
Fat |
Ether |
Hearing |
30 |
Minister |
Semen |
Water |
Taste |
16 |
Minister |
Muscles |
Air |
Touch |
80 |
Servant |
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus bipeds (two legged), Sun, Mars and Saturn are quadrupeds (four legged) while Moon, Rahu and Ketu are centipedes (i.e. without legs).
NOTE: Some of the above matters are only given for general information. Perhaps, these may be useful, in the advanced class, while dealing with Horary Astrology (Prasna Shashtra) or Medical Astrology (Vaidakiya Jyotisha).
From ancient times, Seven Planets have been referred to in the sacred writings of almost all major Religions:
The Seven Churches of Christian Bible.
The Seven Spirits of the Egyptian Religion.
The Seven Angels of the Chaldeans.
The Seven Devas of the Hindu religion.
The Seven Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabala.
The Seven Ameshaspantas of Zoroastrians.
The Seven Archangels of Revelation, etc.
The occult writers refer to these as meaning our planets. It would, therefore, be pertinent to note that these Planets are in effect, Spiritual Beings, whose main aim and objective is to lead the various souls to the ultimate goal of cleansing the dirt enveloping them, so that they can finally mingle with the Almighty and attain Moksha or Nirvana.
The Planets as we ‘see’ them, are mere reflections of these Spiritual Beings, filtered over several layers of Spiritual realms. Max Heindel in his The Message of the Stars sums this up rather succinctly when he observes: “Our visible Sun is but the mirror in which are reflected the rays of energy from the Spiritual Sun, the real Sun is as invisible as the real Man”.
The Seven Planets, which make up our System, are the Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Astrology considers the Sun and Moon as ‘planets’ in respect to their functions, when taken in relation to the earth as the center of action. Consequently, the geocentric position of planets, i.e. their longitudes in the Zodiac as seen from the Earth – are employed in all astrological calculations. Neptune, Herschel (Uranus) and Pluto are not spoken of by the early writers. Yet, even in Brihat Jataka, the reference to their names is available as Varuna, Prajapati and Yama respectively. Nevertheless, these planets have a certain spiritual influence over us, acting through the Pineal Gland and the Pituary Body. Their influence is to gradually awaken Humanity to power, which will be needed for future evolution.
Let us now consider each Planet in some detail.
He is ruler of Sign Leo. It is exalted in Aries and debilated in Libra. Its Sign of determent is Aquarius. The Sun is the source of the vital power and is the regulator and principal source of the life forces. Both the Sun and its Sign Leo are closely affiliated with the Fifth House. The Sun signifies the Spirit. Sun is hot, dry, fiery, inflammatory, electric, positive, barren, masculine, diurnal, life giving, constructive, expansive and vital in actions.
The motion of the Sun is always direct and never retrograde.
The colors ruled by the Sun are gold, orange, saffron, green yellow and inclined to purple.
Great care should be taken to judge the power of the Sun in a Chart, because the physical powers, the constitution, vitality and the entire life depends upon its aspects and position in the Chart. The Sun is very positive in the fiery Signs i.e. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The best time to be born is at Sunrise. If born at time of the Sunset, it can give strong constitution only if it is well aspected. If well aspected in the tenth house, it gives honors and good fortune in life. It is good in masculine Signs and more so in the first half of those Signs.
Planets in conjunction with the Sun are known as combust and such an aspect tends to destroy the nature and influence of such planets and the Sun appropriate to itself the qualities of that planet.
The archenemy of Sun is Saturn, yet it has affinity to all planets. The Sun rules the heart, spinal cord and brain. Thus, its affliction tends to fevers, inflammation, etc. It also rules over blood making process. Aspects to the Sun are necessary to give zest to life. Even bad aspects are better than none at all. The Sun also indicates heredity and paternal traits. When afflicting the Ascendant, it causes fevers, sunstrokes, etc. The Sun is the significator of health and father and in female charts, also the husband. The Sun rules the right eye in a male chart and the left eye in a female chart.
A sound judgment of the position of Sun by Sign, house, aspects and degree can help us to clearly understand the talents, lack of talents or hidden talents of a native.
The Sun needs the power of other planets to make its influence felt for better or for worse. This makes an independent study of relations of Sun to other planets rather very important. Do not just wait for good aspects, even evil aspects can impel or even cause conflict and can prove the adage that “out of evil commeth good”.
A host of references in various texts will be found to suggest that the Sun indicates the health. Here, the word ‘health’ is to be taken not merely as physical but even mental, moral and spiritual.
Perhaps it may be of interest to note that the Sun also signifies beauty. A well-dignified sun gives love of beauty in dress, home, business surroundings and in every walk of life. These people may not be producers or creators of art but are true lovers of art. A well fortified Sun, endows the native with grace, power and authority, making him versatile and successful. The eyes are large and almond shaped with an expression of honesty and sympathy. The checks are firm and rounded and show no hollowness. The lips are curved and set evenly. The teeth are strong and well set. The cars are long and well shaped. The chest is full and capacious. Further, a fortified Sun also gives a high level of intuition and commanding grasp of ideas and principles.
When the Sun is weak or afflicted, then the above traits are severely changed and lowered. The mentality now is rather low and the fitness is missing. Even the figure is unattractive. The hair is stiff and crisp. The complexion and eyes lack attractiveness. They display a vain and boastful nature. There is empty show and extravagance. Last but not the least, an afflicted Sun in a Chart indicates weak eyesight and with certain Fixed Stars, can even cause blindness.
It is the ruler of Cancer, is exalted in Taurus and is debilated in Scorpio. Its Sign of detriment is Capricorn. It is a natural benefic if increasing in light (waxing) but is considered weak when reducing in light (waning).
Of all the planets, Moon is the only one whose influence is to be considered in Astrology and all its branches. In fact, its importance is second only to that of the Ascendant. Nay, the Lunar Chart must be seen parallel with the Birth Chart. Its importance is valid right from the precise time of conception and through all the nine months of pregnancy. The exact Sign and degree occupied by the Moon is of considerable significance in the delineation of a chart. In female charts, it assumes even greater influence. It is said to be the planet of fecundation and in evaluating the charts of children, where directions could be of little or no use, much stress is laid on the lunar progressions alone. The Moon’s aspects, position and influence tends to bring into action, the vibrations of the Sun and other planets for good or for evil over human activities as also in the other animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. Moon is a feminine planet and is the greater significator of health in a female chart. It also rules other female functions. It causes the menses in women and a fair idea of both its quality and the quantity can be obtained by closely studying its placement in a chart. Further, the breasts and the breast milk, lactation, etc. are also ruled by the Moon.
Just as the Sun rules the day, the Moon rules the night. The Moon has special affinity to the eyes and if it is badly aspected at birth, causes trouble to the eyes and in certain cases even causes blindness.
Moon is also considered as the significator of the Mind. A weak moon rarely gives a healthy mind or in fact also a healthy body. Indeed, it is of utmost importance that Moon should aspect other planets in the Chart. It is better to have evil aspects of the Moon than to have none at all. Because, if the Moon does not have aspects, the thinking and analyzing faculty could be conspicuous by its absence and the native’s mind is as good as a vegetable. A weak moon makes the native rather restless, nickering and confused.
The best Signs for the Moon are Cancer and Pisces, where it makes the native efficient and strong. The weakest Signs for the Moon are Capricorn and Scorpio, especially for female nativities. While the Airy Signs are generally favorable, the Fiery Signs are not. In Taurus, it gives robust health and methodical habits. Virgo is another Sign where Moon generally does not give good results.
However, it should be clearly borne in mind that the Moon has no basic nature of her own. Its action is reflective. It acts as medium between the Sun and other Planets and enhances the qualities of the Sign it is placed in.
The influence of the Moon in predictive Astrology is that of the TIME MARKER. While the Sun may be compared to the Hour Hand of a clock, the Moon should be considered as the Minute hand. The Moon is a variable planet and is largely influenced by the planets whose aspects she receives.
The colors mind by the moon are white, creamy, pale green or light-mixed colors.
Though the Moon is a satellite of the Earth, it is nevertheless, considered as a Planet. It is feminine, negative, passive, nocturnal, cold, moist, magnetic, fruitful and phlegmatic. It is associated with growth and general health.
If the daily motion of the Moon is less than 13°. 11″, it should be considered as equivalent to a retrograde planet in its nature and results. This point has been stressed by Dr. Cornell, and is of concern to us in both Horary as well as Electional Astrology.
Natives dominated by the Moon have a special attraction to water. If the Moon is weak, they are restless, nervous and even mentally unstable, constantly changing their views. But if the Moon is strong, they are more confident, forthright and practical in their approach.
The Moon also rules the imagination. Thus, a weak Moon is one of the chief indicators of insanity. Such natives run away from the realities of life and live in their own world of fantasy. In. female charts, such Moon can cause depression, especially during their menses and deserve consideration and sympathy.
It is the ruler of the Sign Aries and a co-lord of the Sign Scorpio. It is exalted in Capricorn and debilated in the Sign Cancer. Its Sign of detriment is Libra (and perhaps, also Taurus). The Moola-Trikona Sign of Mars is also Aries. Mars is termed as a natural malefic. We repeat, that no planet is wholly malefic or wholly benefic. This is the most misleading concept in astrology. Each planet has to be assessed on its own merits and strength in each chart, and then only, we can surmise whether it is a benefic or a malefic with respect to that chart. Yet, Mars, generally speaking, has to do a lot with human ills and it can create disturbances in human affairs by its afflictions. On the other hand, it is constructive, energetic, is the significator of heat and force in the body, as well as stimulates courage and mind.
Mars is classified as positive, masculine, electric, hot, dry, fiery, barren, inflammatory, forceful and works as a cleanser of the rot and decay in the system. Its color is Red and Crimson. The action of Mars is acute and violent, rather centrifugal (i.e. from the center outwards). It brings the blood to the surface. Yet it is dynamic and excessive and causes fevers and bums the poison present in the system. Its influence is more intense in nature. Its action tends to hurt. It makes natives bold, assertive and of direct, blunt speech. Hence it brings strife, quarrels, contentions and even wars.
When properly harnessed, the force of Mars can be very useful, constructive, and controlled in nature. But otherwise it could be vastly destructive and thoroughly detrimental, if allowed to run wild.
On the negative side, Mars being a violent planet. People ruled by it are often, blunt, abrupt, quarrelsome and unfriendly. Under certain situations it can adversely affect the health and cause hurts or accidents. The Sign and the house occupied by Mars in the Chart, gives a clue to our worst faults when Mars is badly aspected. But when well aspected, Mars shows our best virtues, without which, we will be cowards, timid and lack bravery and resolution.
Mars also rules our emotional and passionate nature. If it is afflicted in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, or in the VII House, may create a tyrant or a sex-addict and give disorders in matters of sex-life. Also, an afflicted Mars makes a native unruly, foolhardy and quarrelsome and often suffers from fractures, wounds, hurts, scars, rashness, evil temper and even weapons. Professions ruled by Mars generally revolve around surgeons, warriors, butchers, barbers and those dealing with sharp tools, metals, fire and hazardous or dangerous callings.
According to Hindu astrology, Mars aspects (from the house it occupies in the Chart), the fourth and eighth houses fully (besides the seventh). This peculiar quality is noteworthy and a lot of cobwebs will be figured out if these special aspects are kept in mind. On the positive front, since the basic nature of Mars is aggressiveness and resistance, such natives are born fighters and have the inborn qualities of perseverance and achievement. They carry out their fights rigorously and stubbornly and do not give up easily.
As far as health matters are concerned, such people are liable to blood disorders, throat infections and intestinal troubles. The anger is often uncontrollable and such natives are extremists by nature.
A weak Mars loses its capacity or aggression and resigns to fate, making the native rather cold-hearted and destructive.
It rules the Signs Gemini and Virgo. Besides, Virgo is also its Sign or exaltation and Moola-Trikona, while the Sign of debilitation is Pisces. It is in its fall at Sagittarius and Pisces.
Mercury is the chief significator of intelligence as also of mind, reason and logic. Of all the creations of God, human beings is the only one on whom, these faculties are bestowed. Hence, Mercury is also called the messenger of God. It also rules the nerves and the nervous system in general. Thus from both physical as well as the mental points of view, Mercury is an important planet. If fortified and well placed at Birth, it gives a balanced mind, quick grasp and sharp, piercing intellect. But if seriously afflicted, it causes various disorders of the mind and causes diseases, disturbance, and poor reasoning power, crude judgments, epilepsy and nervous disorders.
In all the three airy Signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) as well as in Virgo, Mercury is extremely comfortable. Mercury stirs the vocal cords into action and rules the air, which vibrates in them. The vibrations, which give sight, are originated from Mercury. This is an area of esoteric astrology, which is not easily understood by many. The head, i.e. the container of the mind has in its direct and opposite polarity the stomach, containing the digestive system. Thus these organs, along with the lungs, are also under the direct influence of Mercury.
Mercury is a variable planet. It exerts dry influence in masculine Signs and moist in feminine Signs. It partakes freely of the qualities of the planet with which it associates or aspects. Hence it is also called a hermaphrodite planet. It is considered as cold, dry, earthy and melancholic planet, as also nervous, impulsive and egoistical. Its other qualities are active, coordinating, critical, defective, depressive, disturbing dual, excitable, fanciful, feminine, intelligent, irritable, logical, obsessive, reflective and unbalanced. It is considered a benefic if associated with benefics and a malefic if associated with malefic. Its maximum distance from the Sun never exceeds 28 degrees and is usually found along with the Sun. Thus, when it is very near the Sun, it also reflects the qualities of Sun. The affliction produces mean mindedness, liars, and gamblers and weakens the mind. Along with other afflictions, it makes the native rather selfish while with good aspects it confers strong commercial instincts. But when it is farther away from the Sun (say 20 degrees or more), they make good astrologers.
When well aspected and fortified in the chart, it confers the powers of persuasiveness, wit, oratory and diplomacy, makes the mind strong, with good memory. But when afflicted, it tends to overwork, sleeplessness, insomnia, restlessness and a marked lack of spiritual calm. Mercury also has signification over the ears and tongue and hence over the hearing and speaking faculties. When afflicted, it impairs hearing, deafness, lisping and stammering.
Mercury rules over all light and mixed colors. Diseases ruled by Mercury are: apoplexy, asthma, brain disorders, breathing, consumption, cough, deafness, delirium, depression, dizziness, epilepsy, fits, typhoid, insanity, insomnia, kidneys, lethargy, paralysis, stammering, stomach ailments and worry.
Max Heindel considers Mercury as the lower octave of Neptune, while most other authors take it as the lower octave of Hershel.
While discussing about the Moon we had stressed that even adverse aspects are desirable than no aspects at all, since the Moon rules over the brain and all its ancillary functions. Similarly, it is eminently desirable that Mercury should also have some aspects from other planets. But purely from the point of view of the health, it is not entirely necessary. However, according to the Shastras, if Mercury is neither conjoined nor aspected by any planet, it raises a question about the legitimacy of the native’s parentage.
Mercury has its sway in many professions and fields of activity. It deals with oratory, scientific pursuits, able physicians and clever lawyers. It may be borne in mind that dishonesty is also a typical characteristic of this planet. It gives capacity to judge human nature and mental energy. They also make good accountants, auditors, bankers, advocates, solicitors, authors, traders, etc.
The typical Mercurian is well known for his mental and physical agility enjoys mental stimulation and is gifted with intuition. He has grace and skill of movements. In sports also, they excel, both with the hand as well as with the head. They shrewdly estimate the ability as well as the weak points of their opponents. They excel in games of skill rather than brute strength. He has great eloquence, tact and is adroit. He is an able diplomat and can twist a tricky situation with apparent case by juggling through words and quick perception of the fast developing situation. But he can also be crafty, cunning and scheming. Thus when Mercury is afflicted such a person should he feared the most He is more involved on the conceptual stage of a project and well leaves the implementation to others. They also make good physicians and nurses.
Only severely afflicted Mercury creates criminals.
It rules the Sign Sagittarius and is also the co-lord of Pisces. It is exalted in Cancer and debilated in Capricorn. Its Moola-Trikona Sign is also Sagittarius. It is in its fall in Gemini and also in Virgo.
Jupiter is considered to be the greatest benefic as its general influence is benevolent and its aspects never kill, unless, configured with malefic in a trail of evil directions. It is a male planet and in Hindu astrology it is termed as Brahmin by caste.
By nature, Jupiter is positive, electric, warm and moist Its other characteristics are: aggressive, alternative, anti-spasmodic, benefic, buoyant, confident, conservative, corpulent, enriching, expansive, fortunate, fruitful, generous, gluttonous, health-restoring, just, masculine, moderate, opulent, preserving, religious, sanguine, sociable, temperate and warm. It also rules over justice, jovial nature and obesity. In the body, its center of activity is the liver.
Only the square and the oppositions, amongst the evil aspects of Jupiter are noteworthy. Even when Jupiter is conjunct Saturn, its good effects are slightly vitiated due to the evil, trying and narrowing nature of Saturn. The bad aspects of Jupiter can cause congestion, blood pressure, apoplexy, etc. On the other hand, good aspects of Jupiter help in a healthy state of mind, restoration of health, conservation of energies, etc.
Jupiter rules over violet color and also blue, purple and red mixed with green.
It should be understood clearly, that if Jupiter is strong by Sign and house and well aspected in a chart, it makes the native truthful and honest, whereas the opposite traits are found if Jupiter is weak and receives evil aspects at birth.
Jupiter is the significator of clergymen, father’s relatives, good fortune, long journeys, sugar in the body, children and wealth.
Jupiter is also connected with confidence, ambition, jovial nature, political leadership, religion, knowledge, wisdom and judgment.
A Jupitarian native is gallant, full of spirit, attractive and lovable. To him, power and authority means more than money. He has the influence of refining, uplifting and broadening the conditions around him. He is fond of show and ceremony and has great regards for law and order in his surroundings. He believes in ancient lineage, is proud of his ancestors and respects customs and rituals. He upholds the rights and the independence of others and never hesitates to support the oppressed and under privileged and fights for their rights.
The unrefined Jupitarian is coarse, high-minded, selfish and snobbish and may even turn out to be tyrannical, deceptive and aggressive. Such people are easily saddened and depressed.
It rules the Signs Taurus and Libra. It becomes exalted in Pisces and debilitated in Virgo. The Moola-Trikona Sign of Venus is Libra. Its Signs of fall are in Scorpio and Aries. It is generally taken as a benefic and a fortunate planet and is called “The Lesser Fortune”. It is a feminine planet, is fruitful, passive, negative, benign and nocturnal in nature. The action of Venus is not rapid and tends to such results as proceed from intemperance.
The good aspects of Venus tend to greatly benefit the health and also to enrich the mind, to give a love of the beautiful and to bring good fortune. Especially, its conjunction to Jupiter makes the native highly fortunate in life. But its conjunction to Saturn greatly vitiates the good influences. Only the Squares and Opposition aspect of Venus, are chiefly adverse in nature.
Venus is friendly to Mars, as the latter rules over the passions and helps the former in forming alliances between the Sexes. The good aspects between them lead to a higher and truer form of love, while the hard aspects i.e. Conjunction, Square or Opposition tends to the lower and more beastly forms of love that lead to excesses and dissipation.
The chief influence of Venus is to establish rhythm and harmony in the system, in accordance with its Sign and House placement. It is chiefly identified with the Egg, Ovum and the Ovaries.
The general physiological actions of Venus are fermentation, nutrition and proliferation. The chief qualities of Venus are: amorous, artistic, beautiful, benefic, careless, cheerful, clandestine, cold and moist, comely, conserving, dissolute, emaciating, emotional, erotic, feminine, fertile, fruitful, graceful, harmonious, indulgent, irregular, lethargic, magnetic, musical, nourishing, nurturing, pleasure loving, relaxing, rhythmical, sedentary, softening, soothing, temperate, timid, warm. On the lower and outward level, Venus shows our feeling for pleasure and represents the pleasure of the senses, comforts of the body and luxury. She justifies wealth as an adornment. On the other hand, at the higher and inward level, it signifies the astral light, which includes psychic abilities, power of visualization, and creative direction of the mind force.
The diseases of Venus when afflicted are those affecting the generative system, the genitals, womb, bladder and breasts. The diseases mostly arise from excesses, intemperance’s, pleasures, etc. Also smallpox measles, weakness, injury by poisons etc. are also attributed to afflictions of Venus. It is also chiefly associated with cancer, diabetes, dysentery, venereal diseases, etc. Heavily afflicted Venus can also cause skin eruptions from (mis) use of cosmetics.
An afflicted or weak Venus indicates lack of beauty, charm and grace, lack of taste or refinement, insensibility, lack of love or affection, coarse, aggressive, unrefined and vulgar manifestations of life and difficulty in expressing feelings. The Kidneys and reproductive system suffers, it brings infertility, low energy, poor immune function, chronic genito-urinary tract infection and also tendency towards bleeding.
The gem attributed to Venus is the diamond, set in gold or while metal ring. However, under certain planetary configurations, it can increase sexuality and the power of the senses.
Venus is associated with pastel shades of blue and pink.
It rules the Sign Capricorn and is also the co-ruler of Aquarius. It becomes exalted in Libra and debilated in Aries. The Moola-Trikona Sign of Saturn is Aquarius. Its Signs of fall are in Cancer and Leo.
Saturn is normally considered as a malefic planet and is the greater malefic compared to Mars. But it is important to understand and analyze the underlying significance behind this statement. The final goal of human beings (soul) is to obtain Moksha or Nirvana or final emancipation by choosing the path of good and righteousness and shunning evil at all times. In the humdrum of life and daily routine, in pursuit of the so-called mundane happiness, human beings choose the latter path for momentary and illusive material gains. Saturn chastises the native, correcting us and is untiring in its efforts to bring us on the path of right living, by bringing sorrow, suffering, sickness and trials upon a native, so that they learn by their experience and reap what they sow. Saturn, thus, is not evil by himself. In fact, he is the great teacher and the job of redemption of humanity is entrusted to Saturn. Saturn is a masculine planet. It is cold, dry and barren by nature and his influence is of a steadying nature and to restore the balance with those who need it.
The action of Saturn is explained in the following terms:
It is binding, chastening, chronic, cold, crystallizing, hardening, depleting, hindering, limiting, obstructing, retarding, suppressing, Its action is centripetal i.e. driving the blood inwards from the surface, through chill and cold. His action is also very spiritual and leads to attainment and advancement.
His squares, opposition, conjunction and parallel aspects mainly manifest the affliction of Saturn. He afflicts any part of the chart by Birth, by transit or by aspect or by direction in which he is located and even when he occupies his own Signs.
According to Hindu Astrology, besides the seventh house, it has a special full aspect on the third and the tenth houses, from the house occupied by him in the chart. This is a very valuable concept, as it indicates that by proper understanding and accepting the process of Saturn, we can eradicate the weakness of our lower mind (third house) and further, we can help make ourselves awake and aware of our duties and actions (tenth house) which are duly laid down for us by our dharma. For those who do not realize this truth, Saturn is indeed a cruel law enforcer.
In a chart, the strengths or weakness of Saturn will indicate whether the life of the native is smooth or full of obstacles. The period of its dasha or direction will indicate, the time when its effects will manifest.
A good Saturn, can promise good health, balanced brain, determined ambition, whereas a badly placed Saturn will show the absence of these qualities. Wisdom and faithfulness are two other qualities of Saturn. Also, Saturn signifies the quality of perseverance. Saturn gives the capacity and energy for industry. Saturn rushes a native to toil and provides necessary foresight. A Saturn native is a self-made person starting life from a humble position and working his way up by toil and hard work, faith and doggedness. They educate themselves and are rich by experience and acquire a sense of determination in the pursuit of perfection.
The typical Saturn native is very sober, well balanced, keeps his enthusiasm in check. The positive Saturnian is prudent, wise, sober and determined. His watchword is caution. A weak Saturn indicates a moody, melancholy and a pessimist native. He becomes morose and silent and shuns society. He is always gloomy and superstitious and becomes easily irritable.
The Nodes are Rahu and Ketu.
Rahu is also called the ‘Dragon’s Head’ or ‘Caput’ (Moon’s North Node).
Ketu is also referred to as ‘The Dragon’s Tail or Caunda (Moon’s South Node).
Actually, Rahu and Ketu are not visible planets in the sense Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, etc are. They are mathematically derived points in the ecliptic where the plane of the Moon’s orbit cuts the plane of the Sun’s orbit. This happens twice (in a month), once while going to the North of it and a second time, to the South of it. These two points are called the Moon’s North Node and South Node respectively, and is the true cause of the eclipses. Yet in astrology they are given the same importance as if they are planets and are also treated as such. They are called “Chhaya Graha” or Shadowy planets.
Hindu astrology generally considers both Rahu and Ketu as Demons, i.e. evil planets. Ketu is considered good only as a significator of salvation i.e. Moksha and that too if it is in the twelth house and is well aspected and if certain other conditions are fulfilled. Rahu also gives certain good results, purely from a materialistic point of view, when placed in 3, 6, 10 11th houses and is not afflicted or afflicting the benefics. Even at this stage, Ketu gives the non-committing evil from the opposite house, in the form of work, anxiety, hypocrisy, etc.
Rahu signifies ant-hills, aviators, courage, duplicity, archers, enigmas, excitement, epidemics, exiles, goldsmiths, infamous character, inventions, metaphysical studies, magic, mole-hills, mysticism, portentous evils, political plots, paternal grandfather, poisons, radio, serpents, scars, sepulchers, spies, venomous reptiles, widowhood, etc. Rahu also causes birthmarks on the body, relevant to the Sign or house occupied by it and with further reference to the decanate applicable to that part or side of the body. Its color is black.
Ketu inter alias signifies ascetics, bankruptcy, backbiting, dissimulation, deception, final emancipation, intrigues, Moksha, mendicancy, Nirvana, quarrels, spiritual pride, skull, secret plots, vicious tendencies, etc. Its color is smoky.
There are differences of opinion on the ruler ship, exaltation and debilitation of Rahu and Ketu. One view is that Rahu owns Gemini and Ketu is Swagrahi in Sagittarius. The other school of thought opines that Rahu owns the Sign Taurus and Ketu Scorpio. The latter opinion appears to be more universal. But here also, some authors opine that Taurus and Scorpio arc tile Signs of exaltation of Rahu and Ketu Respectively. In this case they allocate Virgo as the own Sign of Rahu and Ketu’s Sign is Pisces. Amongst others, Parasara recommends this view.
Further, in Hindu astrology, there is a dictum: “Sani Vata Rahu” and Kuja Vata Ketu, meaning that Rahu gives the result of Saturn, while Ketu gives the results of Mars. Being a shadowy planet, the effect of Rahu is fallen primarily on the shadowy counterpart of the body i.e. on the astral sheath (unlike Saturn, which makes its impact felt on the physical action body). Rahu affects more, one’s thoughts, feelings and reactions. If afflicted, such reactions can be unconventional or perverse.
Ketu on the other hand makes the native explore the innermost recesses of the human psyche. It makes the native perceive the subjective reality behind the veil of objective – manifestation. It activates his thinking process.
Rahu and Ketu when severely afflicted (except by Mars) under certain conditions cause Pisacha Yoga, i.e. the native is likely .to be possessed by demons or other afflicted souls. Such a condition is incapable of being treated by the present day, so-called, advanced medical sciences, where only certain painstaking spiritual rituals and mantras (prayers) can help.
Basically Rahu and Ketu represent Karmic retribution. They link present restrictions and opportunities with past actions. They arrange events in such a way that harmonious balance ultimately prevails.
The “discovery” of new planets adds new complications to astrology, because the problem of interpretation is now made more difficult. This also creates new possibilities for the delineation of unexplained characteristics, abilities and destinies of human beings. This calls for the acute need to make empirical investigations and further practical observations and improve our pure judgment.
The discovery of Hershel (I781), Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1930) have thrown a new challenge to the modem astrologers. But the ancients did know about these planets. In fact, the Indian scriptures do actually refer to them as Prajapati, Varuna and Yama respectively. But they are normally not taken into account for predictive astrology in the Indian system. But now that we know of their existence, it would be a folly to discard them altogether. A serious attempt is required to be made in the investigation of the nature, characteristics and influence of these extra-Saturnian planets. They are indeed quite far away from the earth, but they do exert a marked effect on human beings for good or for evil. In a highly materialistic society, it is likely that most of the human beings may not be equipped to imbibe the higher vibrations of these planets, which exert themselves at a spiritual level. But with the approach of the Aquarian age, the relevance of their influence is bound to increase.
It is, therefore, recommended that the serious student of the subject should not shun these planets. If you approach them without bias or dogma, you are bound to reap a bountiful harvest of the truth of nature. If you ignore them you will do so at your own risk and cost.
Let us, therefore, begin to gel a very basic and minimum glimpse of these extra Saturnian planets and await the “discovery” of the two others.
Hershel is also called Uranus. Though today, it is not considered in Hindu astrology, it is not true that the ancient sages did not know its existence. The Shastras have identified it as Prajapati. It is the ruler of the Sign Aquarius and its Sign of exaltation is Scorpio. Though the ancients knew of its existence, it was ‘discovered’ by Sir William Hershel on 13.3.1781. During these 200 years, sufficient observations and studies have been made of the effect produced by this planet by its position and aspect in a chart. Accordingly, the influence of Hershel is always, sudden, unexpected and spasmodic and is more psychic and mental than physical.
The afflictions of Hershel are more acute through conjunction, parallel, square or opposition aspects. The favorable aspects can elevate the mind and expand the intuitive faculty. It also gives love for truth, capacity for research, spiritual foresight and deep perception. Its afflictions cause sudden changes, displacements, causing restlessness and unsettled conditions. Its evil or good results materialize as shock producing, electric, sudden, and abrupt and in an unusual manner.
This planet rules ether and has affinity with the eyes. It must be clearly understood that the influence of Hershel is through other planets that it aspects. Since it is one of the extra Saturnian planets, very few people are yet able to respond to the higher vibrations of this planet. Most writers say that it is the higher octave of Mercury, but Max Heindel ascribes it as the higher octave of Venus.
Hershel is said to signify the following attributes and qualities: abrupt, accidental, advanced, altruistic, barren, bohemian, breaking, cataclysmic, changeable, clandestine, constructive, compulsive, corrosive, creative, curious, demoniacal, disturbing, eccentric, electric, emotional, erratic, exaggerating, explosive, extraordinary, fanatical, free-loving, free-thinking, hasty, heedless, humane, hurtful, immoral, impulsive, incardinating, independent, inquisitive, intuitive, inventive, irregular, irresponsible, jerky, licentious, lustful, magnetic, masculine, mental, metaphysical, misunderstood, morbid, nervous, occult, original, passionate, peculiar, perverting, philosophical, positive, psychic, quick in action, radical, reactionary, rebellious, restless, reforming, remarkable, resisting, romantic, scientific, spasmodic, speculative, straining, sudden, suicidal, telepathic, tempting, temperamental, tragic, truth-loving, uncommon, uncontrollable, unconventional, unexpected, unorthodox, unruly, unusual, variable, violent, etc.
Natives under the adverse influence of Hershel, rebel against the laws of society and seek freedom. They also tend to chafe under the vows and restraints of marriage. Afflictions of Hershel to Venus or with Hershel in fifth or seventh house tend to much trouble in love affairs and marriage and to separation and estrangement.
Uranus diseases are similar to the compound effects of Saturn, Mercury and Venus. The diseases are usually of a nervous origin, and difficult to diagnose and often incurable. Its affliction tends to sudden and unexpected complaints, accidents, spasmodic disorders, numbness, shooting pains, neuralgia, etc. A native having an afflicted Uranus in the sixth house is likely to be a victim of either wrong diagnosis or wrong medication.
The student must carefully watch its afflictions to Venus, because such affliction produces sudden temptations along sex and passionate life and leads to free love, perversions, and immorality. Hershel afflicted in the seventh house generally gives sudden and unexpected, unorthodox and a whirlwind marriage, often with uncomfortable results.
But to a highly evolved nativity, who can respond to its higher rays, Uranus can bestow an intuitive mind, capable of grasping the occult and. hidden meanings of nature and a highly spiritual mind, as it rules the pituitary body, one of the spiritual centers and closely associated with the Pineal gland and hence develops the psychic mind.
Neptune is again, not considered in Indian astrology for predictive purposes, though it was known to the sages and is referred to as Varuna in the Shastras. It is the ruler of the Sign Pisces and is strong in the twelth house. It is said to be exalted in Cancer. It was discovered on 23.9.1846. Most writers say that it is the higher octave of Venus, while Max Heindel says that it is the higher octave of Mercury and exerts an inspirational influence over the mind and corresponds to the higher vibrations of Mercury rather than Venus.
Its influence is psychic and spiritual and tends to involuntary clairvoyance, medium ship, psychic diseases and weird state of mind. Neptune acts upon the nervous system and also upon the moral and spiritual nature. It acts strongly upon the Pineal gland, which is the scat of spiritual and intuitive center in the brain and greatly influences emotions and especially in religious matters. Neptune afflicts by his evil aspects, chiefly conjunction, parallel, square and opposition. It is a planet of fraud and deceit when afflicted and tends to seduction and greatly depraves the moral character, and also leads to the drug and narcotic habit.
Neptune is said to signify the following: ambushes, anodynes, appendix, astral influence, asylums, spinal canal, cells (reproduction of), clairvoyance, conjunctiva, deception, depressed nerves, dishonesty, drowning, drugs, enemies, ecstasy, exiles, fibers, fluidic system, frauds, functions (especially telepathic), fungus, genito-urinary system, glands, growths, heart (especially depressed nerves of), Hospitals, humming sound in ears, hypnotic, powers, ideals, impositions, insane asylums, intuition, kidnapping, laughter, lymphatic temperament, medium ship, mysterious happenings, narcotics, nerves (especially optic), nutrition, ocean, odors, pineal gland, plastic fluids, poisons, potassium, prisons, psychic states, secret societies, secretions of stomach, secrets of life, seduction, spirit control, spiritual nature and spiritual sight, sponges, strange conditions, sudden-mysterious quick and unexpected deaths, talking to oneself, tears, telepathy, tissues of the throat, trance, treachery unusual conditions, vegetable and fungus growths, wanderings, water, whistling, etc.
Since most of the people are unable to respond to the higher forces of Neptune, even good aspects of Neptune, like trine or sextile, are relatively unimportant and unhelpful and not much reliance can be placed on such aspects. Yet, for those who are highly evolved enough, such good aspects to Sun, Moon or Mercury can enhance their spiritual and psychic powers and confer foresight and the power to discern truth. Thus, it exerts an inspirational influence on the mind and can help the native to easily attune himself with the occult and esoteric secrets of nature.
But to most of us, it is a planet of chaos, doubt, fear, fraud and deception. If afflicted, it makes the native rather licentious and lascivious, addicted to the abusive use of drugs, narcotics and alcohol. It also makes the native seductive and perverse, leading to passionate excess, immoral environment and unwise entanglements with low company. It leads to morbidity and sensuous state of mind and makes the native rather timid. Mars when conjoined with Neptune and afflicted tends to make the native lawless, unrestrained, and self-indulgent and atheists. When afflicted in the twelth house it brings sorrows, troubles and self-undoing of the native. When it occupies the seventh house, there is always a likelihood of some treachery, fraud or deceit in marriage or other partnerships.
The diseases of Neptune chiefly manifest upon the mind and nervous system, the emotions and psychic powers. It affects the nebulous areas and tends to affect the eyes and eyesight and the sickness caused is mainly of a depressive nature. In such cases, treatment can be made on the lines of psychic and spiritual monitoring, through hypnotism, provided the healer has full knowledge of the astral body and its influences.
Here again, like Uranius and Neptune, Pluto is not considered in Indian Astrology for predictive purposes, though the Shastras refer to it as Yama.
Pluto is the latest planet to have been “discovered” in fact, as late as 21.1.1930 s considered as the ruler of Scorpio. There is, as yet, no general agreement on the Sign of exaltation and debilitation and a great deal of research is necessary to attribute its effects in different Signs of the Zodiac.
Yet, it is firmly believed that Pluto is concerned with the destruction of the old and the decayed and with creation of a new and good order. It is considered as a Phoenix resurrecting itself from its own ashes and is destined to bring higher vibrations in science as well as in spiritual life. Mythology suggests that Pluto is the Lord of the underworld – the world of the dead. Pluto indicates the invisible, magic, concealed, subterranean and hidden activities. Pluto represents dualism, double-bounded ness and disunion. C.E.O. Carter calls Pluto “the wire puller in the background. W. Nosselt mentions that the symbolism of Pluto is union, fecundation, copulation and the secret of ‘dyeing’ and ‘being’.
Pluto has connection with the earth, its depths, and the lower world and on the other hand, with the highest spiritual matters. Pluto is a planet of elevation. It brings to life that it has wrested for too long in the subconscious and for which, the ground is quietly prepared in order to utilize and reveal the knowledge at the appropriate time. Although, today, Pluto’s influence appears to be destroying, confusing and disturbing at the base level, the real benefit to those who can. Attune to and absorb its higher waves, will come when they are ready to perceive the higher and esoteric forces of nature.
Thus, at a mere mundane level, Pluto signifies upheavals, revival, turning point, change from one consciousness to another, germination, recreation, distillation, metamorphosis, pursuit of material gains at all costs, death and destruction (especially at mass level), struggle, temptation, envy, sensuality, the criminals, underground activities, caves, minerals, stones, excavation, warm and mineral springs, etc.
On the other hand, at a highly elevated level, it signifies revival, enlightenment, elevation, restructuring, resurrection, energy channeled in creative power, transformation, mysticism, superior magnetism, powers of healing, clairvoyance, clairaudience, the capacity to overcome the force of gravity, etc.
Pluto has special affinity to the Pineal Gland. The aspect of Pluto indicates whether an individual is clairvoyant in a mundane sense or in spiritual sense, or whether this gift appears only periodically. Thus, if Pluto is very strong in the chart, in angular houses and well aspected (closely) with Sun, Moon and Jupiter the native is capable of responding to the higher vibes of Pluto in a more constructive manner. Such aspects with Hershel and Neptune are also important.
Pluto has special affinity with volcanic regions, slums, gloomy places, graves, natural domes, places of worship, cemeteries, mausoleums, places of pilgrimage, old shrines, places having miraculous images or cures, crossroads, places of horrors, initiations, ascent to lofty heights, ancient civilizations archaeological discoveries, excavations, mines, earthquakes, geological pressures, epidemics, floods, amphibian animals, reptiles, etc.
Yet it must be conceded that what we know about Pluto is merely the tip of the iceberg. Future generations have a lot to unearth about the real nature and effects of Pluto. This is especially so with regard to its Sign positions as well as its house positions, a lot of real research lies in this area for the serious student.